Monday, 27 June 2011


Sitting amongst the white flowers is a well camouflaged Crab Spider, they are usually found on flowers which match their body colours. This then allows the Spider to catch the insects which land to feed on the plant.

Saturday, 25 June 2011

North Predannack Downs

North Predannack Downs Nature Reserve is the only location in Cornwall that I have visited which inhabits an abundance of spiders. The ground is covered with the Purse-web Spider silken tubes, they create these tubes that lie on the ground like a finger of a glove to catch prey e.g. insects which walk over the web. There seem to be a variety of species of spiders within the Cornish heathland including the Garden Spider and a colony of spiderlings.

Monday, 13 June 2011

Seals on the surface

On recent trips to the coast I have been met with Grey Seals, these inquisitive animals were happy to be photographed around the areas where I was situated. The most inquisitive seal was a juvenile, the behaviour was interesting to observe, the photographs before illustrate the juvenile Grey Seal.

For more information about Grey seals visit this blog-

Macro within a Heathland

As we approach the summer months the Cornish heathlands are full of interesting insects to photograph. The Common Blue  Polyommatus icarus butterflies are out in abundance feeding on the variety of nectar sources which the heathland provides.

Another butterfly which is wide spread in these areas are the Small Skipper's Thymelicus sylvestris butterflies found within the tall grasses. I was able to capture a pair of Skipper's mating whilst resting in the coastal downland areas.